Weepa - New Generation Bushfire Weepa (for weep holes) - 23-NGBW
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New Generation Bushfire Weepa
A weep hole former with a fully stainless steel grate and fire resistant polymer body, designed to protect your home during a bushfire.
When used in masonry construction it is compliant with Bushfire Attack Levels of AS3959:2018 BAL-LOW, BAL-A12.5, BAL-A19, BAL-A29 and BAL-A40.
Installed by the bricklayer during construction.
Suitable for face brick or rendered brick and block.
The purple mortar protector is removed after installation, leaving a clean and beautiful finish.
Ensures ventilation and drainage of the cavity to reduce fungal decay and mildew.
Excludes a wide range of pests.